I was asked to design the identity of a Spanish - Finnish owned IT-startup, run by two senior managers at one of the well known IT companies. CeCom Services is focusing on IT helpdesk and customer service outsourcing. The aim was to make it human centric while keeping it techie. These and the startup nature were the values to communicate. The logo is reflecting on the completeness of the service provided, displayed as a back&forth link between the customers and companies whose activities are outsourced. When you look closely, you realize that this infinity loop incorporates the human factor: how do we imagine a customer service agent? With a head-set or earphone, and this item is pictured in the logo. The whole appearance, fonts, shapes and other aspects of the identity are built around the spherical shape: 2 spheres merging, creating the outline of the loop. A support element was created as well: a pattern to be used for wallpaper in the offices or wrapping paper to business gifts, etc… Disciplines: Art Direction, Identity, Branding, Composing, Retouching, 3D -design Spain - Finland, 2017